Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen (born in Odense, Denmark, the south, 2 April 1805 - died in Rolighed near Copenhagen, Denmark, August 4, 1875 at age 70 years) was a Danish author and poet most famous nationals thanks to the work of tale.

The life of his childhood

Andersen was born in the slums of the city of Odense, Denmark, the south, on 2 April 1805. His father, Hans Andersen was a shoemaker and a poor illiterate who felt he was still the royal line. While his mother Anne Marie Andersdatter, worked as a laundry worker.
Although large in poor neighborhoods, since little is known Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales. He is also familiar with theatrical performances. Although not familiar with school and superstitious, the mother who makes HC Andersen chert-acquainted with the story of the People.
Later, H.C. Andersen had described the figure of the mother in a variety of novel, example of story called Hun Duede ikke. Dear mother recently caught up being a heavy drinker before his death in 1833 at a nursing home.
His father was a lover of literature. He had often asked Hans to watch theatrical performances. In his autobiography, The True Story of My Life, published in 1846, HC Andersen writes, "I satisfy all thirst. He seemed to live only for me. Every Sunday he made the drawings and chert-read fairy tales. Only at times like this I have seen him so jolly, because he never really happy in life as a craftsman shoes ". In 1816 Andersen H.C father died.
Attitudes and experiences of parents that membuah HC Andersen interested in world toys, stories, plays, including works of William Shakespeare.

Tough times

After his father died. H.C. Andersen, who recently received his formal education ended up working odd jobs in between having worked in a cigarette factory, an apprentice at a tailor and worked as a weaver. He was forced to wage labor to make ends meet.
In 1819, he moved to the Danish capital, Copenhagen. There he hopes to become an actor, singer or dancer. Three years in the city, he lived a difficult life.
Initially, Andersen had managed to join the Royal Theater. But when his voice changed due to the onset of puberty, he was forced to leave the theater. Andersen then left the role as actor and singer. He felt more appropriate as a poet dittunjuk. Anderson tried to become a playwright. but unfortunately, all his work was rejected everywhere.

Met with the King of Denmark

In the hard times that he met with the King of Denmark, Frederik VI, which attracted the young Hans appearance. King Frederick then sent Andersen to go to school. Thanks to the good king, Andersen opportunity to receive education in a language school in Slagelse and Elsinore until 1927. Before school, he had published the first volume of his work entitled The GOST at Palnatoke's Grave (1822).

In school, including students left Andersen, after all, he lived with a half-hearted. He said the school is the period during periods of dark and painful time in her life. He felt very uncomfortable being in the middle of the students who was six years younger than himself. Meilsing named principal, whose house was occupied by Andersen, called the character of this young man is very difficult sensitf and tolerated.

Luckily, graduating from language school, Andersen continued his studies at the University of Copenhagen. A director at the Royal Theater, Jonas Collin, urging him to undergo education until graduation and he is also a fund. While in college, in 1828 Hans Christian wrote a travel story titled Fodreise Holmens fra Amager af Ostpynten Til Canal (Walking distance from the Holmen Canal to the East Point of Amager).

This story received overwhelming response. Andersen worked on the story by ETA Hoffmann's writing style borrowed a German novelist. Since then, his poem "The Dying Child" was published by a literary journal in Copenhagen. In 1829, the Royal Theater also staged the musical works of Andersen.

Andersen also poured his personal story in the collection of poems entitled "og Phantasier Skisser" as they fall in love with Riborg Voigt. Unfortunately, her love is not intercepted, because she was married to another man in 1831. "I really wanted to die", he told Edvard, son Jonas Collin. At that time he was unconsciously echoing the melancholy style of Goethe in "The Sorrows of Young Werther". Although he never met Goethe, German poet Goethe was still alive even when Hans traveled to Germany.


Hans Christian Andersen went traveling abroad than Germany. Until 1833, King Frederick VI Andersen would finance the entire trip to France, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Italy and even to the Middle East.
Various visits that gave birth to a stack of travel stories. When a visit to Paris, Andersen met with Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Heinrich Heine and Balzac. In the middle of this long journey anyway, he had time to finish writing "Agnette and the Merman".

In early 1835, Andersen's first novel published with great success. As a novelist, he made a breakthrough by The Imrpvisator, works written in the same year. The story that takes place Italy inimencerminkan his own life story; describes the efforts of a poor boy into the milieu of society. Even to the end, the book The Improvisatore is the most widely read than many other works of Andersen. Since the book was published, Andersen tough times began to change. Throughout 1835, he launched seven fairy tales are arranged well in advance.

Novel and his works

To fulfill his work, Andersen gave birth to a new novel works in 1836 and 1837. Besides dozens of fairy tales that appeared in this period, the second novel, OT and Only a Fiddler. He also debated with leading filusuf Denmark, Soren Aabye Kierkegaard.
Through the book Af En Endnu Levendes papirer published in 1838, the Danish philosopher criticized depleted Andersen's novels. "The struggle of life experienced by the ominous Andersen is now repeated through his works," wrote Kierkegaard.

Andersen was soon answered criticism over his work, published in 1840 entitled En Comedie I det Gronne. He attacked Kierkegaard with a story that illustrates just how impractical the philosopher was thinking.
Despite his novels great acclaim, the name of Hans Christian Andersen in the world is looming as the author of children's fairy tales. In 1835, she launched her children's stories Tales for Children in lower-priced pocket book form. Then a collection of stories titled Fairy Tales and Story working on the 1836-1872 period.
Serial children are mostly published on Christmas Day was not just a story created by her story. Andersen also reveal the back stories of children who are often heard as a child. Throughout his life he wrote 156 stories. Of that total, 12 stories written by Danish folklore. The rest is a fictional story that was born from the fruit of his own mind.

Two of the stories are very famous tale, The Little Mermaid and The Emperor's New Clothes, in a collection of stories published in 1837. Seven other tale: Little Ugly Duckling, The Tinderbox, Little Claus and Big Claus, Princess and the Pea, The Snow Queen, The Nightingale and The Steadfast Tin Soldier, also known in various parts of the world as a fairy tale story that is often in children .
Through a variety of his work, Andersen assessed through standard fences that Denmark professed author in those days. Both styles of storytelling and story content managed include idioms and spoken language which is a new thing in the world of 'authorship' of the country. He put the message and moral values ​​in the story without patronizing at all.
Can be seen from the fairy tale The Emperor's New Clothes. Message that greed is not good by Andersen delivered a parody of the tyrant's pretty ridiculous. One other feature that stands out in the Andersen fairy tale is the presence of the poor and the disadvantaged in life.

In most of his work seemed optimistic that good will always win and reach a happy ending. Unless the story of The Little Mermaid and The Little Match Girl ended with sadness. In The Little Mermaid for example, Andersen tried to express that desire took what the dream has turned out to be fruitful of sacrifice and sorrow.

The influence of his work in the world of children's stories

Certainly, the stories of Andersen's fairy tales contain universal moral messages. Unsurprisingly, his works were later translated into no less than 147 languages ​​in the world. The fruit was hand tudak limited "lessons" for children but read by adults around the world. Although the new translation of his work first appeared in the English edition in 1846.
Not only that, H.C. Andersen cited instill a lot of influence to other story writers in Europe. Call it Charles Dickens, British author known for such works of A Christmas Carol in Prose, The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, and The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain. Also in other European authors such as William Thackeray, Oscar Wilde and CS Lewis.
In the period 1840 to 1857, Andersen returned a visit to a number of Egara Europe, Turkey, and Africa and wrote an impression in the books who wrote the story of his journey. In 1855, Andersen re-write his memoirs, entitled The Fairy Tale of My Life. That's the life story of the anniversary edition, which until now considered as standard history of this legendary storyteller.

End of life

After wandering again in Paris, Andersen fell ill in the spring of 1872. some diseases undermine this skinny guy. During three years of lying helplessly in Rolighed near Copenhagen, this legendary author died on August 4, 1874. He was buried particular dipemakaman Copenhagen.
Throughout his life, HC Andersen was never married. Apparently experienced deep heartbreak author of this great love of his life after the bloody Swedish opera singer, Jenny Lind, was unrequited. In the last retreat, H.C. Andersen was only accompanied by a teacher and his friend, Jonas Collin, who is buried next to her.

Guests are shameless

During his lifetime, Hans Christian Andersen was never a home. From childhood until his death, he always lived in the house of the patron (community leaders) very rich. If not, he lived in a rented room with minimal furniture or in the hotel. But when not traveling, he would stay long in the house the people who was kind enough to invite.

But not all hosts are happy to visit Andersen. Renowned British author, Charles Dickens, for example, end up feeling disturbed by the presence of Andersen in his home. Andersen's first encounter with Dickens when he traveled to England in 1847. They both admire each other. Andersen describes, how happy he was when Dickens visited the inn.

Actually not clear how close the relationship with Dickens Andersen. But some observers refer to the character Uriah Heep in David Coperfield, one of the works of Dickens, published four years after meeting them both, written Dickens based the character of Andersen.

When Andersen's visit to Britain, a decade later, Dickens did not merely visited, he even invited Andersen lived in his house. According to the biography written by Jackie Wullschlager Andersen, Dickens visits at home is far from successful.

At that time, Dickens and his wife were in a really severe marital crisis. Their communications with Andersen was not well established. Understandably, the husband-wife Dickens did not understand the language while English Denmark Andersen is far from adequate. The result, Dickens family immediately wanted Andersen to go.

But, instead of going, Andersen would prolong his stay to be invited twice the time Dickens. "We really suffered because of Andersen," Dickens wrote in a letter to a friend. When Andersen finally left, Dickens stuck a note on the door of the room inhabited by Andersen. It says "Hans Andersen slept in this room for five weeks. But for us it for centuries."

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