Monday, April 2, 2012

Giuseppe Garibaldi-Hero of Two Worlds From Italy

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Giuseppe Garibaldi (born in Nice, the French First Empire, July 4, 1807 - died in Caprera, Kingdom of Italy, June 2, 1882 at age 74 years) was an Italian patriot and soldier Risorgimento. He led many military campaigns that resulted in the formation of Italy. He is called "Heroes of Two Worlds" ("Hero of the Two Worlds"), because of its military adventure in South America and Europe.
He was born in 1807 of Domenico Garibaldi and Rosa Raimondi. They live in the coastal city of Nice, who was then part of Savoy, in the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. This family is involved in coastal trade and Guiseppe close to life at sea.

Early year

Giuseppe Garibaldi was born on July 4, 1807 in Nice, which was then part of France, to Giovanni Domenico Garibaldi and Rosa Maria Nicoletta Raimondo. In 1814, Congress of Vienna returned Nice to Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia. In 1860, however, Victor Emmanuel II surrender County Nice with Savoy to France in return for French assistance in the Italian wars of unification.

Garibaldi's family involvement in trade in the coastal area to pull into life at sea. He participated actively in the community of Italian Nizzardo and certified in 1832 as captain of a merchant ship.

In April 1833 he traveled to Taganrog, Russia, the schooner Clorinda with shipping oranges. For ten days in port he met Giovanni Battista Cuneo from Oneglia, a politically active immigrants and members of the secret movement La Giovine Italia / Italian Giuseppe Mazzini young. Mazzini was an enthusiastic supporter of the unification of Italy as a liberal republic through political and social reform. Garibaldi joined the society and take an oath to dedicate himself to the struggle to liberate and unify homeland free from the domination of Austria.

In Geneva in November 1833, Garibaldi met Mazzini, began a long relationship that will become problematic. He joined the Carbonari revolutionary association, and in February 1834 participated in a failed uprising in Piedmont Mazzinian. A Genoa court sentenced him to death in absentia, and he fled across the border to Marseille.


Although re-elected to the Italian parliament, Garibaldi spent much of late years in Caprera. But he supports the ambitious project of land reclamation in the marshy area south of Lazio.
In 1879 he founded the "League of Democracy", which advocated universal suffrage, the abolition of ecclesiastical property, the emancipation of women, and maintenance of a standing army. Ill and confined to bed by arthritis, he traveled to Calabria and Sicily. In 1880 he married Francesca Armosino, with whom he previously had three children.
On his deathbed, Garibaldi asked that his bed be moved to where he could see the sea of emerald and sapphire. After his death on June 2, 1882 at the age of almost 75, his desire for a simple cremation and burial are not respected. He was buried on his farm on the island of Caprera with his wife and several children last.


Garibaldi's popularity, skill at rousing the general public, and his military exploits all credited with making the unification of Italy possible. He also served as a global example of mid-19th century revolutionary nationalism and liberalism. But after the liberation of southern Italy from the Neapolitan monarchy, Garibaldi chose to sacrifice the principles of liberal republic after unification.

Garibaldi subscribed to anti-clericalism common among Latin liberals and did much to limit the temporal power of the papacy. His personal religious beliefs is not clear to historians, in 1882 he wrote "Man created God, not God created Man," but in his autobiography he is quoted as saying "I am a Christian, and I spoke to a Christian - I am a true Christian, and I speak the true Christian religion I love and glorify Christ, because Christ came into the world to deliver humanity from slavery ... ". and "You have a duty to educate people, educate people, educate them to be Christians to educate them to be Italians ... Viva Italia Viva Christian". Protestant minister is a minister Alessandro GAVAZZI troops.

An active Freemason, Garibaldi had little use for rituals, but thought of masonry as a network to unite as brothers both within the country progressive and as a member of the global community. He was eventually elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy.

Giuseppe Garibaldi died at Caprera in 1882, where he was buried. Five Italian Navy ships have been named after him, among them World War II cruisers and used ships, aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Statue of his likeness, and a handshake from Teano, Italy stood in the box a lot, and in other countries around the world. At the top of the Janiculum hill in Rome, there is a statue of Garibaldi on horse back. Her face was originally turned to the Vatican (a reference [citation needed] For his ambition to conquer the Papal States), but after the Lateran Treaty in 1929 changed the orientation of the statue at the request of the Vatican. A statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi clearly placed outside the entrance to the old Supreme Court Room in the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC, a gift from members of the Italian Society of Washington. Many theaters in Sicily took their name from him and given the name of Garibaldi Theatre.

In a recent book review in The New Yorker (July 9 & 16, 2007) from Garibaldi biography, Tim Parks cites the leading British historian, AJP Taylor, who said, "Garibaldi is the only wholly admirable figure in modern history."

English football team Nottingham Forest designed their home kit after the uniform worn by Garibaldi and his men and has been subject to variations of this design since being founded in 1865. A school in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire is also named after him. Garibaldi biscuit was named after him, like a style of beard. Giuseppe Garibaldi Trophy has been awarded annually since 2007 within the framework of the Six Nations rugby to win the match between France and Italy, in memory of Garibaldi.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe Mazzini and along with other Europeans supported the establishment of a European federation. Many Europeans expect the Germans to be united Europe and world leaders to champion and humanitarian policy. This is shown in the following letter written by Giuseppe Garibaldi Karl Blind on April 10, 1865.

Progress of mankind seems to have come to stop, and you are smart you will know why. The reason is that the world does not have a nation that has true leadership. Leadership is, of course, is required not to dominate others, but to lead them along the way tasks, to lead them to the fraternity of nations in which all barriers set up by self-interest will be destroyed. We need the kind of leadership that, in the true tradition of the medieval knight, will devote himself to make amends, support the weak, the expense of quick profit and material gain to achieve a smoother and more satisfying many of reducing the suffering of others. We need a people brave enough to give guidance in this direction. It will rally to the cause of all those who suffer wrong, or who aspire to a better life, and all those who now hold foreign oppression.

World leadership role, left vacant as a matter of days, may also be occupied by the Germans. You Germans, with the character you're serious and philosophical, may also be the ones who can win the trust of others and ensure the future stability of the international community. Let us hope, that you can use your energy to overcome your moth-eaten thirty tyrants of the various German states. Let us hope that in the middle of Europe then you can create a united nation of fifty millions of you. All the rest of us will be excited and happy to follow you

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