Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Roland Emmerich, The Director Brands From Germany

Roland Emmerich
Roland Emmerich (born in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 10 November 1955, age 56 years) is a German director. He attended film school in Munich from 1977 to 1981. Among his famous films are: Independence Day, The Day After Tommorow, and the latest is 2012.


Das Arche Noah Prinzip (1984, West Germany) - director, writer

Joey aka Making Contact (1985, West Germany) - director, co-author

Hollywood-Monster aka Ghost Chase (1987, West Germany) - director, publisher, co-author

Moon 44 (1990, West Germany) - director, publisher, co-author
Eye Of The Storm (1991) - executive publisher

Universal Soldier (1992) - director

The High Crusade (1994) - the publisher

Stargate (1994) - director, co-author

Independence Day (1996) - director, publisher eksekutift, co-author

The Visitor (1997) - story ideas, executive publisher

Godzilla (1998) - director, executive producer, co-author

The Thirteenth Floor (1999) - producer

The Patriot (2000) - director, executive producer

Eight Legged Freaks (2002) - executive producer

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - director, producer, co-author

Trade (2007) - producer

10,000 BC (2008) - director, producer, co-author

Isobars (2008) - producer, co-author

2012 (2009) - director, producer, co-author

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